Radha Krishna`s Lilas

01 October 2024

The Divine Union of Radha and Krishna: A Love Full of Grace and Devotion

Radha and Krishna, residing in the Bhutabhrteshwarnath Mandir at Shree Peetha Nilaya, were lovingly named ‘Kripanidhe’ by Guruji, meaning ‘the ones who are full of mercy and grace’. Together, Radha and Krishna symbolize the purest form of love and devotion. Radha’s love for Krishna reflects the longing of the atma (soul) for the Paramatma (Supreme Soul). Similarly, Krishna’s love for Radha represents the Paramatma’s longing for the atma.

Rishi Anantajitanand’s challenge

It was Rishi Anantajitadasananda’s first year in the Ashram and he was in the old temple, doing his turn at mantra chanting:

“One day, as I looked at the beautiful deities of Radha-Krishna, something magical happened—I suddenly froze, overwhelmed by a deep love for them. I was lost in that feeling until someone came in and broke the moment. Years later, when the new temple opened, Guruji appointed me pujari for Radha-Krishna. He was strict, ensuring the deities were always perfectly dressed, even telling me to learn how a married woman should wear a sari!”

One day, Guruji announced He would be away for 10 days, taking the other Radha-Krishna pujaris with Him:

“I felt a mix of nerves and excitement, but ready for the challenge. The night before Guruji left, He decorated Radha-Krishna with sparkling stones and chandan. Watching Him work late into the night always inspired me. When Guruji left, the next 10 days were busy. I woke at 4 a.m. to serve the deities, always thinking of how to make them even more beautiful. After a few days, I decided to remove the stones from Radha’s face. With Guruji’s permission, I carefully removed Krishna’s chandan and painted new ornaments. But when I tried to remove the stones from Radha’s face, the varnish started peeling off! I panicked, remembering Guruji’s warning: ‘If you scratch my deities, you’ll be banned as a pujari and you’ll have to buy new ones.’ In tears, I called Swami Keshava, and we covered Radha with new stones, but it was clear she needed repainting. Feeling guilty, I messaged Guruji and couldn’t sleep all night. When He called back, His disappointment was clear: ‘You’ve ruined my Radha!’ I was devastated.”

After the phone call, he spent three anxious days praying and waiting for Guruji to return.

“When Guruji returned and saw Radha, He said, ‘Look what this idiot has done!’ I felt terrible as He scolded me and prayed even harder. But then, something wonderful happened—Guruji began to repaint Radha. I watched in awe as she seemed to come alive with each brushstroke. When He finished, He simply said, ‘Done. Now put them in bed to sleep.’ I obeyed, praying for forgiveness, and felt something shift inside me. As I stepped out of the temple, Guruji was still there and asked, ‘What do you want?’ I replied, ‘Please forgive me. I want to keep serving them.’ He hugged me and said, ‘Don’t worry. They loved your service, and I’m happy with your work. You can continue serving them.'”

In that moment, Rishi Anantajitadas realised that this experience with Radha opened his heart and the strong connection he first felt in the old temple came back even stronger than before. This journey also helped him grow closer to Guruji, and a special bond between them was born and keeps growing every day.

Rishi Mukunda’s Mystical Journey: Falling in Love with Krishna

Rishi Mukunda, the man in red with the impressive mustache, arrived at the Ashram from Portugal in 2018. He felt a deep, motherly love from Sri Gayatri-devi, and though it was unusual, he was allowed to serve as a pujari even before becoming a brahmachari—a wish already in his heart.

“On the second day of Navaratri, I became a brahmachari and dedicated my new life to Gayatri-devi. But the next day, Guruji threw me a curveball—I was to serve Radha-Krishna from then on. I agreed but felt uneasy because I had no connection with Krishna and preferred the quiet comfort of serving Gayatri Ma.”

At first, Rishi Mukunda’s service to Krishna was just a duty. But slowly, duty turned into devotion, and before he knew it, he was head over heels in love with Krishna. That’s when things got complicated:

“I became obsessed, constantly checking on Krishna, refusing to let anyone else near Him. For three years, I stubbornly refused to serve Radha! My divine obsession became unbearable when a long sick leave forced me to step back, leaving other pujaris to care for Krishna. I was insanely jealous, especially when I saw someone else making the turbans I considered my special gift to the Lord.”

But this period of divine madness transformed him. Rishi Mukunda’s love for Krishna matured. He learned to share the service with other pujaris and even managed to serve Radha once a week—imagine that! Yet, he still yearned for a physical sign of Krishna’s presence:

“One cold winter night, while doing my usual service, something amazing happened. After arati, I picked up Krishna’s flute and noticed something strange—the flute was cold, but the spot where Krishna had held it was warm! Surprised, I called another pujari to check, and it was true. When I told Guruji, He told me it was Banke Bihari’s appearance day, something I didn’t know. I was filled with emotion—Krishna had given me a clear, warm sign, a touch that said, ‘I’m here!'”

Now, Mukunda serves with a calm and steady heart, knowing that Krishna is always with him, quietly listening to the prayers of his heart.

The Sweet Call of Radha and Krishna

Radha and Krishna, full of mercy and grace, invite us into the heart of their Divine Love. Their story is not just something to hear—it is a journey for your heart and soul. By focusing your love and devotion on the Supreme, you can experience the sweetness of their love within yourself. Let Radha and Krishna’s grace inspire you to deepen your connection with the Divine, and discover the joy of this eternal love that is always calling you closer.

Serve those who serve us all!

Bhutabhrteshwarnath Mandir is a place where we come together to pray and grow in our spiritual journeys. The rituals and prayers help us feel closer to the Divine and remind us of our faith. If you feel a calling to deepen your relationship with the Divine, one way to do this is to support our temple. Join our donation program with the link below and help us continue the wonderful work of our beloved Gurudev. Together we can spread the grace of the Lord and bring more positivity to the world!

“By this, may you nurture the gods, and in return the gods will nurture you. In this way, nurturing one another, you will obtain the highest good.” Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 3, Verse 11

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hindu deities, radha and krishna

Rewatch Guruji’s beautiful satsangs:

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“Lord Krishna incarnated to awaken Divine Love inside of people so that they can attain the supreme state of the unmanifested One. This will happen only when the supreme form of Love awakens within the heart of man and consumes mankind completely. He is calling everybody to awaken this Divine Love.”

Paramahamsa Vishwananda