Ein Tempel für Deutschland

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Spirituelles Veranstaltungszentrum

Der Ashram Sri Vitthal Dham liegt im Herzen Deutschlands, gut zu erreichen, direkt am hauseigenen See und in schöner Natur. Sri Vitthal Dham lädt dich ein, hier herzukommen und zu entdecken, was tief in deinem Herzen verborgen liegt.

Unter einem Ashram versteht man im Allgemeinen ein hinduistisches Kloster. Hier kommen Menschen zusammen, die sich auf tieferer Ebene mit sich Selbst, Gott und dem Leben verbinden möchten.

paramahamsa vishwananda smiling and doing prayer sign with the hands

Transformierende Erfahrungen

Entdecken Sie unser Angebot an transformierenden Erfahrungen, die Ihnen auf der Reise zu Ihrem ureigenen Potential helfen können, mehr in Einklang mit ihrem wahren Selbst zu kommen.


Ein hingebungsvoller Weg zu Gott

Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem Weg sind, sich mit Gott auf einfache, aber wirkungsvolle Weise zu verbinden, kommen Sie und erleben Sie die Tiefe des hingebungsvollen Yoga (Bhakti Yoga).


Moderne Hindu-Kultur

Der Hinduismus ist eine zeitlose und universelle Kultur, die über Jahrtausende hinweg ein reiches Geflecht aus Philosophie, Kunst und einer tiefgründigen Überlieferung erleuchteter Meister kultiviert hat. Besuchen Sie den Ashram und entdecken Sie, wie diese Facetten mit Ihrer Suche nach Liebe und Glück in Einklang stehen.


Upcoming Events

Calendar view

a garden with bloomed flowers, animals and the hindu deity Shiva

The Ashram

The ashram, beautifully situated within the Taunus region of central Germany, serves as a place for rejuvenation. It is located about an hour from Frankfurt City.

Stay with us

person smiling while harvesting vegetables in the garden


At the ashram, we view our lives as a service to God. Each day, we strive to embrace what life presents us with and cultivate a spirit of sincerity towards ourselves and each other.


young people smiling and talking, being together as a community


Our vibrant international community, composed of over 100 ashram residents, centres around the teachings of Paramahamsa Vishwananda.


Our founder

Paramahamsa Vishwananda

Paramahamsa Vishwananda is the founder of the international mission, Bhakti Marga, which translates to ‘Path of Devotion’. Bhakti Marga promotes an approach that merges both contemporary and ancient methods that help foster a relationship with the Divine. The mission has a presence in over 70 countries, maintaining over 55 temples and 12 ashramsaround the world.

Facilities and Services

Card Payments
Free Wifi
Luggage storage
Flower Gardens
Organic Farm
Vegan food
Gift Shop
Guided Tours
Kids Room
Hindu Saints Museum
Meditation Areas
Vedic Rituals
Yoga Classes
Smoking Free Area
Art Studio
No Pets

Our location

Come visit us

In the midst of the lush fields and forests of Germany’s renowned Taunus region, Shree Peetha Nilaya, ‘the Home of Maha Lakshmi’, invites you to come and explore what lies deep within your own heart.

vegetable garden greenhouse

Sustainable Practices

  • Use of recycled and biodegradable products, such as toilet paper and napkins, along with SONETT ecological cleaning products.
  • Adoption of recycling practices with separation into 9 distinct waste categories (Electronics, Wood, Metal, Construction, Plastic, Bio-waste, Paper, Glass).
  • Employing biological cultivation using natural fertilizers and practicing annual crop rotation in vegetable fields.
  • Composting meal waste to enrich garden soil.
  • Harvesting rainwater for gardening purposes.
  • Cultivating flowers for temples and vegetables for meals within ashram gardens (May-Oct).
  • Generating energy from photovoltaic panels and a wood heating system.
  • Utilizing a solar heat BHKW cogeneration system to produce both electricity and useful heat.
  • Utilizing a low-emission e-car.
cow in the nature

Community and Local Involvement

  • Maintaining the “Wisper Trails” trekking paths.
  • Encouraging car-sharing among visitors.
  • Implementing a community car-share system, providing 6 cars per 100 people.
  • Contributing to the economic development of the region.
  • Actively participating in local community initiatives, including “Fair Trade Town Heidenrod.”
  • Using Fair Trade products in our kitchen and Bhajan Café.
  • Engaging in forestation activities through tree planting.
  • Utilizing local wood for heating during colder periods.

Newsletter Signup

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