Travel Information
Travel Information
Here is some general travel information for the area around Shree Peetha Nilaya (SPN).
Phone Number
+49 6124 6091125 (Tuesday-Saturday, 14:00 – 17:00)
Post Address
c/o SHREE PHEETA NILAYA Centre Springen
Am Geisberg 1-8
65321 Heidenrod – Springen
Invitation Letter
If you are staying with us and require an invitation letter for a visa application, please click here.
Transport to the ashram
Taxi providers
Taxi Taunusstein | Taxi Höhn | Taxi Meier | |
Telephones | +49 (0) 6124 125 25 | +49 (0) 6124 3737 +49 (0) 6124 2222 |
+49 (0) 6124 2201 |
Languages | German, English | German, English | German |
Rental car
From Frankfurt Airport and Hahn Airport you can also rent a car. For more information:
Public Transport
Download the German train/bus app DB Navigator: Apple Store | Google Play
Since December 2017, Shree Peetha Nilaya has a bus stop on the ashram property.
Define SPRINGEN BHAKTI MARGA ZENTRUM, HEIDENROD as your final destination in the app
Coming through Wiesbaden train station, note that this bus stop is located outside the east gate of the building.
Google Maps Route
Mostly likely you will change the bus in KEMEL, HEIDENROD to take the connection to SPRINGEN BHAKTI MARGA ZENTRUM, HEIDENROD.
Important: It is necessary to call and pre-order the bus for this last leg of your journey.
Call the company at least 90 minutes before and reserve your place going from KEMEL to SPRINGEN BHAKTI MARGA
Phone +49 6124 7265913 – English customer service available.
From Hahn Airport
Take a bus to Mainz Hbf. Here you can find the bus timetable.
Use the public transport app to get from Mainz to Wiesbaden and follow above procedure to reach the ashram.